Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Baseball Finally Gets It Right

After far too long baseball has finally gotten is steroid policy to where it should have been all along. 50 games for first offese, 100 games for second offense and lifetime ban for third offense. The policy also allows for more stingent testing, including testing for amphetamines and more random testing. Other sports have been laughing at baseball and their steroid problem for a while now (tennis has a two year ban for first time offense), I would think this policy would end the mockery. I feel absolutly no remorse for those getting caught using steroids, even those like Rapheal Palmero who claims that he was unaware that the B-12 shot he took was considered a steroid. If you are dumb engouh to put something like in your body that you are going to have to pay the price. My only regret is that Barry Bonds has yet to test positive, lets just hope he doesn't come back this year.

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