Thursday, November 09, 2006


I continue to be impressed with the technological advances our society makes each day. In an article release be the Associate Press ("Patch may one day let you skip the needle", 11/7/06) an innovation is on the way that may be able to replace painful vaccination shots with a patch. Whether or not this technology will ever be accepted and widely used is debatable, but the impacts it could make on society are certainly not. I am grateful myself for the innovation as it will possibly allow be to circumvent needles in my future, but I am most grateful for the countless lives this may save. This technology allows vaccinations to be shipped world wide, without the dangers of needing a syringe or the need for refrigeration. The impact this could have on the health of developing countries is immeasurable. It will take time before the innovation is available for widespread use, but those responsible (and others making similar innovations) should be commended.

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