Thursday, September 21, 2006

Pierce Out of Jail

WARNING TO NBA: Pierre Pierce is out of jail and looking for a way into "the league". Although some of your teams apparently see some kind of upper-level "talent" in Pierre Pierce it would be wise to divert your attention elsewhere. He has proven that if given a second chance, he can blow that one too. As a University of Iowa student and Iowa Hawkeye Basketball fan I saw the best and worst out of Pierce. Sadly, at best he is a ball-hog who dribbles too much and finds himself with nowhere to go once under the hoop. At worst, he is registered on the Iowa Sex Offender Registry with multiple convictions under his belt. I attempted to give Pierce the benefit of the doubt in the past. I tried to defend his play when he continually made horrible decisions on the court. I tried to consider the fact he was possibly the victim of a girl "crying wolf" for attention during his first run in with the law. Hindsight is twenty-twenty and I now know that I gave Pierce far too much benefit of the doubt. Hawkeyes Basketball Head Coach Steve Alford made the same mistakes in judgement with Pierce and must now deal with a stain upon is national reputation for years to come. If you are considering bringing Pierre Pierce to your team, don't. He will only ruin the reputation of your club the way he has with Iowa Basketball. Maybe people can change, but it appears Pierce can't.

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