Friday, February 17, 2006

Teens at the Wheel

I hope it’s not any surprise that the recent Iowa Poll in the Des Moines Register shows that the majority is in favor of the new restrictions on teen drivers in Iowa. However, simply because the majority is in favor of the concepts, does that mean they need to be enforced by law? Not necessarily. Most people, surveyed or not, are most likely going to be favorable on a earlier curfew for teens, but should the law enforcement be policing such a thing? That’s probably something left better under the control of parents. 77% said that they favored a ban on cell phones while driving. Even with my own heavy usage of my phone while driving, I would be in favor of banning cell phones while driving, but this should be something that should be applied to all drivers, not just teens. The one addition that seems to be most logical is to reduce the number of passengers. Yes, there are some legitimate cases in which carpools are needed, and maybe there should be a tag added that allows for additional passengers while driving to and from school.

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