I am rather confused by Carol Neel’s attempt to discredit the Biology “Energy Metabolism and Mouse Dissection" (Better plans for mice and men - 2/15/06)She treats the issue as though the mice are being unethically killed. More interestingly, her idea that it would be more appropriate to use deer in dissection because they need to be killed anyway in cases of overpopulation; does this imply that mice are somehow endangered, or that they will not be able to reproduce fast enough if they aren’t used as subjects in the lab? The mice are most likely going to be used in some other experiment at the University such that their life is probably not prolonged forever. With all this aside, the point of the lab was to study metabolism. The only reason dissection is an option is because the opportunity is there. There is a full page all over the Biology building explaining students’ rights not to participate in the lab, specifically the part dealing with the death of the mouse. So I have no idea where the idea of an unfair burden comes from.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Dance, Dance
I thought the petition formed by students at
Above the Law
I was appalled by Sgt. Ken Brown's comments on how he thinks that fellow law enforcement officers should have simply "let it pass" when he was stopped for a minor violation (Officer: Traffic stop lacked 'professional courtesy' - 2/15/06). A lot of people could make the same claim during their own traffic stops that Brown made: “It’s not like I was going 100 miles per hour.” You are not some privileged citizen, Sgt. Brown, such that you are above the law. If you violate the same laws I do then I expect you be punished in the same manner I would have been. Law enforcement, the governor, the President; no one person is above the law, and all should be punished accordingly. Welcome to the real world Sgt. Brown.
Rose to Hy-Vee
Kudos to Hy-Vee Inc. for its support of the proposed keg registration legislation, their support will help further a movement that needs to taken seriously (Hy-Vee voices support for keg registration - 2/17/06). I don’t understand those in opposition of the legislation and their logic that the ruling wouldn’t help anything and simply move teens focus to large quantity packs and hard liquor or that there are already laws in place that make it illegal to provide alcohol to minors, so what’s the point? The point is that the law is not intended to restrict alcohol sales, but rather a tool to help investigators in the case that a keg is used for illegal purposes. The parallels to the new law on pseudoephedrine are uncanny. If its necessary that we pass tougher penalties on possession of high quantity packs of beer or hard liquor then so be it, but Iowa needs treat the issue of underage drinking with a little more sensitivity. If we truly care about the youth in
Teachers Pay
When reading the debate over whether
Teens at the Wheel
I hope it’s not any surprise that the recent Iowa Poll in the Des Moines Register shows that the majority is in favor of the new restrictions on teen drivers in
Friday, February 10, 2006
Smoking Gun
I am very bias on the matter of cigarettes. I say ban them all, but I’m smart enough to realize this will most likely never happen. I am in favor of the proposed increase on taxes on cigarettes as well, as this is the easiest way to deter people from continuing to use or beginning to use cigarettes. The point that those who oppose this tax use is that is an unreliable source of income. “It does not make any sense to fund a budget increase by taxing an act or product that you are trying to discourage,” stated Christopher Rants, Speaker of the House. I understand the argument to the point that if we increase the tax it brings in “projected” money and that if it doesn’t come in then the tax payers will bear that burden. I can admit to not being the most knowledgeable on politics, and I don’t really care to. My question is why are we immediately placing all the “projected” revenue into the budget? If the tax works as it is supposed to and decreases smoking usage, then it is more than likely that the increased revenue will never reach the projected amount. How about this for a change: The politicians across