Thursday, February 02, 2006


Richard Wendricks must have been very confused when he stated that he thinks a ban on smoking in public places would be unconstitutional. I must have missed that day in history class. I know I get the Bill of Rights mixed up a lot, was “Every citizen has the right to smoke” the 9th Amendment? I think Richard should look at the Declaration of Independence. We are all created equal with unalienable rights: Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. That last one is my favorite; and any smoker who lights up around someone who does not wish to get lung cancer (or any other horrible disease linked to smoking) is impinging upon this right. Just as yelling FIRE in a crowed theater is not covered by the 1st Amendment, your “right” to smoke does not supersede my right to healthy environment. Hopefully someday smoking will be illegal (unlikely because of the amount of money it generates for the government), but until that day comes please stop impeding on my rights and keep you carcinogens to yourself.

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