Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Why are you complaining?

Tuesday four Iowans were sued by a group of major film companies for allegedly violating copyright laws by swapping movies on the internet.  The defendants may have to pay up to $150,000 for each movie.  I am truly getting sick and tired of the music and movie world seeking out people who have “stolen” movies and music over the internet. Proponents say it’s the same thing as stealing a DVD right from the shelf.  My question is this: Don’t you think that if everyone is “stealing” your material, that should be a signal that the market has changed and we as consumers don’t want to pay that much anymore?  These are multibillion dollar industries, and to hear actors and musicians claim that we are not paying for what they worked for is ludicrous. Lars Ulrich, drummer for Metallica, led the attack against Napster, claiming he was losing millions of dollars that were rightfully his. This is a man that could have stopped working at least 5 if not 10years ago and had a luxurious life for the remainder of his time here on Earth. This artists, actors and industry execs don’t care that you have to pay $15 for a CD, or nearly $25 for a DVD, let alone going to see a movie which is upwards of $15 is some parts of the country.  These people need to stop their useless complaining, cause franking I’m tired of it. Lower your prices and see how well your sales will do.

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