Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Emma Goldman Commercials
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Wisconsin well within its rights
I don't feel sorry for Waukee in the least that they will have to pay thousands of dollars to create a new logo and rid themselves of the one they more or less stole from Wisconsin ("Wisconsin yelps; Waukee agrees to remove its flying W", DM Register 10/17/06). It appears that people don't realize that this is a national trend in high schools. In stead of allowing students the chance to be creative and have a say in their school's logo, school officials often very slightly alter a collegiate logo and call it good. This is, of course, cheaper and takes less time than actually being original. Ames High School and Iowa City City High School couldn't be more blatant examples, simply adding little to the mascot of the local university. Davenport Assumption uses the Atlanta Braves "A" hat for baseball, Urbandale J-Hawks are awful close to the Kansas Jayhawks, Cedar Rapids Kennedy Cougars stole the Kansas State Cougars logo, and these are just off the top of my head. I am sure that before the letter came in school officials were simply looking at how to slightly alter the Michigan State Spartan logo to use for their new mascot (spartan warriors). This issue isn't about the universities being money hungry, its about high school officials and directors being uncreative and unoriginal. Had they been a little innovative when creating the W in the first place, they could have avoided this whole mess to start with.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Schools Are Safe
Why is it that when rare instances of tragedy arise, people what to make sweeping changes, that will likely not deter the events from happening again? The freak “storm” of school shootings throughout the country in the past several weeks is no doubt tragic, confusing, disheartening, and an eye opener; yet it seems as though the public reaction takes the events as though the are a common occurrence nationwide. Of course, there are isolated events each year, but on the whole, this is not something that happens all the time, and thus society does not need to drastically change scholastic security as though it does. This by no means indicates that I hope that school officials ignore the events of the past weeks, or that security is schools is not important, yet security is most schools is exactly where it needs to be. I agree with the DM Register Editorial Boards’ stance against the proposed legislation in
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Nation of Hypocrites
Look A Little Harder
I am perplexed as to exactly what Mr. Wickman wants to be improved in his letter ("Unsafe at any speed", DM Register 10/3/06). He wonders why there is “no improvement for the on-ramp to I-80 east from I-35 north.” First I am going to assume that he means I-235 northbound to I-80 eastbound, given that the I-35 southbound to I-80 eastbound clover leaf has plenty of visibility. However if he would pay more attention when he travels he would discover that the I-235 northbound on-ramp to I-80 eastbound does not need to merge, it expands traffic from 2 lanes to three, thus visibility does not have to be at its greatest. Pay more attention before you criticize the DOT for the already difficult tasks they have to perform.