Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Do We Really Care?

Note: This posting was published Wednesday, December 7th, 2005 in the Daily Iowan

I can’t say I was completely shocked when I saw that the Daily Iowan chose to publish an article on the possible legalization for active military members over 18. (I was glad it got second page, rather than taking the front page away from a much-deserved Scott Beck). Yet in still concerns me how consumed this campus is over the issue of lowering the legal drinking age. I laugh when student make false claims of “Well I can vote, so I should be able to drink.” HA! I would guess less than 25% of the student body between 18 and 21 votes, and second the only reason ANYONE on this campus wants the legal drinking age lowered is to ease their stress on a weekend and not have to worry about getting into bars or receiving a fat ticket. I myself am not opposed to lowering the drinking age, but most people don’t realize that all that does is shift the problem to a younger age group. After adjusting the drinking age high school juniors and seniors will experience even more binge drinking and there will be a nationwide problem (even more so than now) at high-school parties, exposing that many more teenagers to alcohol. I wish students on campus would take a look at problems in the community with a little more focus and attention rather than just trying to dump their problems off onto others.

Monday, December 05, 2005

ISU Ain't That Grand

Note: This posting was published in the Des Moines Register Opinion Section Thursday, December 8th, 2005.

I'm really getting tired of the bias the Des Moines Register shows towards ISU. Hawkeye sports only make the front page if there were now Cyclones events the night before, and if each school had a big event the odds are that the 'Clones got the headline and the Hawks got pushed to the bottom half. This bias reared its true face when Sean Keeler published his article on Monday (Street cred paves way for Iowa's better bowl). I started reading the article with the expectation that it would be about how Iowa vaulted itself to a better bowl after earning incredible respect from the country and football fans over the past 5 seasons. I was disappointed to hear how Keeler went on to rant and conclude with the third grade justification that "Well, we beat you so we should go to a better bowl". They call games upsets for a reason. True, ISU beat Iowa, but if the teams played today, no one could argue that it would be a much different game. Iowa has earned the right to play in Florida after its fans have showed the willingness to travel and support their teams, unlike Cyclone teams in recent history who have come well short of showing their support. A lot of Cyclone fans also like to point out how Iowa got a miracle invite to the NCAA tournament in basketball last year as well, saying that the only reason Iowa got there is because Iowa Athletics Director Bob Bowlsby is Chairman of the selection committee. Bowlsby had nothing to do with Iowa getting in, the reason Iowa got in then, and the reason Iowa is going to Florida now is because the nation has realized that no matter how bad or good a Hawkeye team may be, when it comes down to it, Hawkeye fans will always be there in full force to support their team. I am beginning to wonder if the same can be said for the Cyclone fans anymore.